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Miracle Stories

Updated on December 6, 2022
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Susan loves the Lord. She seeks to walk close to him by studying the word of God. His word holds all the answers to life's questions.

Miracles Happen


When God Shows Up

I had an uplifting conversation with a friend recently.

Kathy and I were sharing stories about the times God has shown up and worked a miracle in our lives. You know, those times when there is NO explanation for something that happens? Only that God shows up and does what only he can do.

After our talk I began to go back over my life and recall more miracles God has performed in my life. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and wonder, Who am I, that He should care for me?

As I re-visited these miracles I contemplated the different ways God manifested to me. Sometimes He used an angel. Other times He answered prayer so specifically that there was no other explanation for the answer, but that God heard my cry. I recalled times when God stepped into situations and miraculously turned the events upside down - blowing me away.

I have grown to know my God in a personal and intimate way. He desires relationship with His children. He is always close. He says, to His children, "I will never leave you or forsake you." He is always at work drawing His child to Himself and finishing the work He started when made us His own.

Who Am I? Casting Crowns
Who Am I? Casting Crowns | Source

Searching - The Prayer

As a child, I grew up in an insecure and unstable home. My father had an explosive temper and we never knew what would trigger it. It was a very scary world for me and my siblings. I longed for deliverance.

At age 15 I had seen enough of life to wish I hadn't been born. I did not want to grow up and live the life my parent's were living. I felt no hope, no joy and no purpose for my life.

One day, feeling lost, and in a fog of despair, my thoughts turned to questions. Was there a God? I reasoned that If there were, and if He made the world and everything in it, including me, then He must have the answers to life.

I wanted to know if He existed but I didn't know how to find Him. My thinking process and wonder soon turned to a heart wrenching cry. "I need to to know if He is real! If He is real, does he care about me?" A desperate yearning welled up deep within my soul.

The next thing I knew I was laying face down on the floor. I was crying out as I prayed, "God, if you are real, I need you! If you created me then you must want to know me too. I feel abandoned and alone. My heart longs to know you but I don't know how to find you .... Will you please reveal yourself to me?"

Searching Prayers

Praying | Source

Miracle of Salvation

The following year, after my prayer, God walked me through a period of self-isolation. During that year, I avoided people, I contemplated life, and studied my friend's and family. I concluded, "It's all meaningless! What is the purpose?"

At the end of that torturous isolation; God answered my prayer. He used my best friend's Dad, Mr. Haworth, to show me how I could know God personally and intimately.

The Story: One night, my friend Debbie asked me to spend the night at her house. I was in the midst of conflict with feelings of despair. I didn't want to go anywhere! But Debbie persisted. She urged me to come to her house. She would not take no for an answer. Eventually I caved and reluctantly accepted her invitation.

That night, sitting in the Haworth living room, I watched with longing as her Dad took the younger kids to bed piggy-back style. So different than my own home life. Afterward he made his way to his favorite chair. He then turned to me; I read a world of kindness in his eyes. He spoke, "Susie, we invited you over tonight because we have something very important to tell you." I was taken aback as I thought "Who me?" At the same time I felt a warm sense of being valued wash over me. "Who am I that he should care for me?" was my inner response.

As I sat speechless, Dad Haworth opened God's word and spoke words of truth and life. He explained to me that God really did exist and He was the creator of the whole universe. My heart filled with excitement as a glimmer of hope entered the darkness.

He continued to tell me that God uniquely created each person. "Susie, God created you on purpose, and He has a purpose for your life." Tears welled in my eyes and the deepest longing to know God squeezed at my heart.

He went on to explain that the Lord God, the creator of the Universe, wants to have an intimate relationship with His creation. "Wow, it's what I prayed for." He continued, "Susie, He wants to be your Father; but right now you are separated from him. You see, God is a Holy God. He has no sin in Him and He cannot tolerate sin. Sin is what separates us from God. But because of his great love, God made a way to bridge the gap between His creation and Himself. God offered up His one and only son, Jesus, to take our sin in His own body and nail it to the cross."

Dad Haworth's eyes were filled with compassion as he studied my response. My heart skipped a beat, "Could it be true, is it possible to know God, to be loved by Him?" Next he picked up his big black Bible and read: "The penalty for sin is death BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord." Romans 6:23 He shared many more scriptures to help me grasp God's plan of salvation. With each verse I clung to hope.

"It's a free gift, Susie. Imagine God handing this gift to you; but you refuse it. The gift of salvation through Jesus is only yours IF you receive it from God. My heart eagerly reached for this gift from the God.

I could barely wait to pray and accept God's free gift of Salvation. I asked Jesus to take my sins away, and I accepted His sacrifice for me. I understood that He paid the penalty on that cruel cross. I was set free from the power of sin. A new JOY lit my life that night. I was now a new creation in Christ. Old things passed away; all things became new.

My whole world and direction in life changed that night. The despair I had lived with was completely gone and I knew I would never walk alone again. I belonged to God - I had been adopted as a daughter into His family.

My desperate prayer to know God was answered; my soul came to rest and I was fully at peace. I finally knew that the creator God loved me, pursued me and had a plan for my life here on Earth.

More Miracle Stories 2

This writing is a true account of the beginning of my walk with Christ.

I think this may turn out to be a Miracle series as more and more miracles come flooding back to my mind.

I pray you will be blessed by reading these miracles and that your Faith will be boosted. I would love to hear the miracles that have taken place in your life too. Please share! :)

Put on your seat belts! There are more many miracles coming your way. :)

Please join with me as I take you on my journey of Answered Prayer and God's Call

© 2012 Susan Ream


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